Scholarships awarded to students

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Scholarships awarded to students


The director of the South Korean educational center in Bishkek visited OshSU and awarded scholarships to students studying in the Korean language at the Faculty of World Languages ​​and Cultures. “In the current academic year, 9 Korean students were admitted to the philological education program.  The Korean government scholarship is awarded once a year.  The amount of the scholarship is determined by the number of points received on ORT: 105-175 points - $ 400, 175 -205 points - $ 800, above 205 points - $ 1,200.  In addition, scholarships are provided for first-year students based on exam results above 3.8 GPA.  In the second year, students will have the opportunity to study for one semester at universities in Korea for academic mobility, "said the dean of the faculty Sabyrkul Kalygulova.
