Psychological help was provided to students injured in a car accident in Suzak

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Psychological help was provided to students injured in a car accident in Suzak


5 teaching psychologists, 4 graduate students and 5 volunteer psychologists from the Department of Psychology of Osh State University provided psychological assistance to students and their relatives who suffered as a result of the car accident in Suzak.

They provided psychological assistance to parents whose children were being treated in the intensive care unit of the Jalal-Abad regional children’s hospital. They also worked with parents, whose children admitted to the hospital therapy.

At the same time, psychological help has been provided at the Michurinsk school in the Suzak district, where the accident occurred.

On May 2, in the Suzak district of Jalal-Abad, a Hyundai Porter truck hit students participating in a cultural event. More than 30 students were injured as a result of the accident.
