Dear lecturers and students, on August 23 and 24, Osh State University's Youth Business Park cordially invites you to a two-day training

Main Announcements

Dear lecturers and students, on August 23 and 24, Osh State University's Youth Business Park cordially invites you to a two-day training

You will be taught how to create and carry out business concepts during the session.

You can find the training schedule below.

Program for training

The program is only open to Osh State University lecturers and students

Register here to take part:  

The registration deadline is August 22, 2022, at 13:00.

Location: 35 Masaliev Avenue, Osh (Building of the Higher School of Economics, room 105-106).

Email address: WhatsApp numbers: 0772750705 and 0558180719.

At the conclusion of the course, diplomas will be given out, and a video about startups will be screened in a welcoming environment.