On December 22, Kyrgyzstan celebrated the professional holiday of power engineers. The energy sector of Kyrgyzstan is an industry that is the driving force behind the development of our country. For many years, it has drawn energy from the waters that break through the rocks of the mountains, providing the country with light and heat. This photo report reflects the era from the founding of the industry to the present day, including the electrical network in Osh, and highlights important moments in energy.
In November 1976, the dispatch service of the Osh Electric Grid Enterprise, a branch of the National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan, was created.
In the photo: 1. Head of Department V.V. Leipzig. 2. Chief dispatcher V.G. Ryzhikh.
In the photo on the right, from 1989 to 1992, N. Tashanov worked as the head of the operational dispatch service. In 1992, he was appointed chief engineer of the Osh Electric Grid Enterprise. On the left, M.G. Fattakhov worked as a dispatcher from 1986 to 1992, and from 1992 to 2001, he was the head of the operational dispatch service.
In the photo on the right: V.A. Okolnichy worked as a dispatcher of the Osh RES of the Osh Electric Grid Enterprise from 1982 to 2007. On the left: A.P. Plotnyanshchikov worked in the Osh meat processing plant.
Sh.A. Aliyev in 1987-1988 (closer to the screen); I.D. Gorokhov in 1987-1994 worked in the dispatch service (near the Osh city telecommunications scheme).
In September 2024, the electric grid workers of the Osh Electric Grid Enterprise built a 10 kV overhead line “Dzhar-Bashy-Zhekendy” with a length of 22 km in the Chon-Alai district.
Electric grid workers of the 220/110/10 kV “Uzlovaya” substation of the Osh Electric Grid Enterprise. On June 29, 2024, in the Nookat district of the Osh region, in the village of Kulatov, Talas region, a flood occurred due to heavy rains, which washed away power transmission towers and broke overhead power lines. The next day, the power grid workers of the Nookat RES began restoration work. Power engineers from the Osh, Kara-Suu and Aravan RES were involved in the work. In the photo: an electrician of the Osh RES.
First photo: Raatbek Makenov, an electrician from the Sulaiman-Too RET. Installing power lines and poles in new settlements in the Ishkavan village of Osh city.
Electricians from the Sulaiman-Too RET replaced worn-out wooden poles with reinforced concrete poles in the Ishkavan village of Osh city.
The city of Karakol, 2024. Power engineers of the Osh region took part in the professional skills competition among teams of operational repair personnel for the repair and maintenance of 10/0, 4 kV distribution networks of the National Electric Network of Kyrgyzstan OJSC. The Osh region team at the 5th stage of the professional skills competition.
The substation service of the Osh electric grid enterprise at the 110/35/10 kV "Karatai" substation upgraded the 6300 kVA transformer to a 10,000 kVA transformer. On the 110 kV overhead line "Uzlovaya-Oshskaya TPP-I-II", serviced by the high-voltage overhead grid service of the Osh region, work was carried out on laying a lightning protection cable on metal supports.
Prepared by: N. Toshtuk kyzy, student of the Institute of Pedagogy, Art and Journalism of Osh State University