1.About the department ( general information with the photo of director)

Department information

Department of Methodology of Musical Education, Theory and Choral Conducting

Head of the Department: PhD., Associate Professor Imetov Bukarbai Imetovich

Department information:

The head of the department was the alumni of Almaty musical conservatory of A. Lengard. Under his professional management a great number of graduates continued doing their postgraduate courses and became PhDs and Professors. There are individuals who greatly contributed to the department development and formation and brought their knowledge and experience such as O. Mamytov, T. Joldoshev, K. Osmonov, K. Jumabaev, I. Taskar, F. Valiev, M. Abdygulov, B. Imetov, R. Phillipova and E. Usenbaev. Due to merge of the Department of “Methodology of Musical Education and Theory “and the Department of “Choral Singing and Conducting” the Department was renamed as the Department of “Methodology of Musical Education, Theory and Choral Conducting”. At present the Department is headed by PhD., Associate Professor B. Imetov. The Department has one PhD, one Professor, four senior teachers, two teachers, two concertmasters, one methodologist and one senior laboratory assistant.