Scholastic-methodical work

The Purpose of the pulpit: high vocational training on directions bachelor and magistracy "550100-formation on natural science", "520100-Chemistry", realization of the programs, for learning teacher, possessing competency of the modern directions such as chemical, ecological and of criminal law knowledges, use them at decision of the different practical tasks, promoting preparation specialist.

For achievement expected result of the education of discipline, supervised by pulpit on a par with formed traditional way are also used new technologies and modern methods.

In condition of credit technology of the education is used ball-rating system to estimations progresses training student and master. Estimation is founded on rule of objectivity, openness, flexibility and differences .

Professorial-teaching composition continuously works on increasing of its qualifications: "Education to critical thinking", "Technologies of the remote education". On base of reform formation, the program GIZ in Central Asia members pulpits passed education a method SEA - a start experiment, agency to independent accreditation and rating (IAAR), methodses CLIL program of the multilingual formation and others On completion course have got the certificates. On academic transportability passed increasing to qualifications: T. Mamytov.- In university Kastamonu and Sinop (Turciya), in pedagogical institute Siniczyan (the China); M. Abdullaeva- in university Trakiya (Turciya), in research institute Siniczyan within the framework of program (the China); G Turdubaeva - in university Gete, in university Nazarbaeva (Kazakhstan), O. Japarov - new technologies of the education university Lleyda (Spain).

Excellent pupil of the Kyrgyz Republics formation , candidate of the chemical sciences, professor A.SUYUNBEKOVA during occupation.

The Chief of the expert division of governing the internal deals Osh, expert-criminalist, major to militias Muratov A. during lesson criminal of the expert operation.