Каримов С.К.

Karimov Saly Karimovich

Mob.phone: ______________________

Office phone: __________________

e-mail: karimov_saly@mail.ru

Date of birth: 15.04.1935 years, Nookat district

Nationality: kyrgyz

Marital status: married

Education: higher education,Osh State Pedagogical institute

Scientific and pedagogical activity :

1. 1960-1961 - OSPI, teacher of the Department of Higher mathematics

2. 1961-1964 -The graduate student in the Institute of Physics and Mathematics

3. 1964-1965 – The teacher of the Department of Higher mathematics

4. 1964-1971– OSPI, The teacher of the Department of Higher mathematics and Department of Mathematical Analysis;

5. 1971-1977 – The Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis

6. 1988 – The Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis

7. 1977-2018 – Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies of Osh State University.

Training: Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, PhD

Published works: More than 30 scientific and methodological works publication and 1 monograph published.

Awards: The best education of the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic (1983), The Diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR" (1985), "High School" (1987), as well as a diploma of the Ministry of the republic, and his name is included in the book of the heroine of the republic (№667 26.12.1985) .

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