
Intensive English Language Course. Erasmus +

Since March 1, 2021, teachers of the department: K. M. N. Turusbekova A. K, Satybaldieva A. T, Abzhaparova A. Z, Mamatkulova N. M, Zhanadilova G. Zh, Akzholtoeva A. A, Kalysbek K. S. are taking intensive English courses under the Erasmus +project.
The course involves the acquisition of teachers and undergraduates with competencies that enable them to:
1. Freely read original literature in a foreign language in the relevant branch of knowledge; 2. Draw up information extracted from foreign sources in the form of a translation or summary; 3. Write a scientific article in a foreign language in peer-reviewed journals; 4. Make reports, reports, presentations in a foreign language related to scientific work and conduct a conversation in the specialty; 5. Take part in international conferences, projects and grants.
The training lasts for 4 months.
254 11:13 20-03-2021



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