5. Object of scientific activity( main direction of scientific-pedagogical activity of department)
A report on the results of scientific researches of Osh State University department “ Methods of music education, its theory and choral conducting”

Requisites and guidance of the faculty

09 telephone number 03222 7-64-26
11 e-mail: bukarabai_agai@mail.ru
12 abbreviated name of the ministry (department) MES KR
13 (the name of the institution) Osh State University
14 abbreviated name of the institution: OshSU, faculty of Arts
15 Address: (index, republic, region , city, street) 723500, Osh, Lenin street 331, bank account details: Osh city ,723500, MFO 330601508 CKB «Kyrgyzstan», OshSU, «Ilim» 700201182

16. The name of the work : The problems of training music teachers and its challenges
17. Annotation. A) Object of research: higher and secondary teacher training institutions and secondary schools in Osh city
B) The aim of the researches: Researching and analyzing problems in music teacher training and determine its challenges.
C) Foundation of research works: In the process of globalization, when the huge changes taking place in the economy, the culture, it is impossible to imagine the development of culture without music. Therefore it is important to experts in musical and aesthetic education deeply explore the train music teachers and educators from scientific point of view
D) Anticipated results: Identify all the scientific points of view about the preparation of music teachers and developing theoretical and methodological study on the training of qualified teachers. Proposals on the basis of study researches, scientific articles should be reported to the relevant organizations and associations in the form of a manual.
Approximate conclusions: At the end of studies on training music teachers will hold a special conference, important issues discussed at the conference will be displayed in a specially published scientific collection. The most important is that music teacher training actual problems, formulations will be published as a scientific-methodological manual.
E) Who will use the outcome: the outcome of the scientific research will use educational institutions, schools, Universities and also those who conduct scientific researches in future teachers training etc.

18. Index UDK

Strike price

Completion period

19. State budget

20. centrl fund

21. expenditure of orders

22. Personal orders

23. beginning


24. ending




Head of the institution

25. K.Isakov

27. professor, candidate of Philological sciences

Head of the work

26. B. Imetov

28. professor, candidate of Pedagogic sciences

1. Scientific direction of the department, Theme, registration number (number, date of approval), umming up, use in practice

- The theme of the research work: "Problems in of music teachers trainig "
- Registration number of the number 000 6872
-Approval date: December 5, 2012
- Supervisor : Professor B. Imetova
- To investigate the challenges and problems at the training of music teachers. Nowadays our government pays special attention to music lessons in educational institutions, mainly to teaching Kyrgyz folk music. Therefore, it is very important to prepare highly qualified specialists in this area. In this direction will be carried out research works and articles, will be published methodical work and manuals.
The problems of music teacher training will be investigated, prospects identified, scientific researches, issues , teaching aids will be prepared and the research will be continued .