
OshSU and ASMI signed documents for bilateral cooperation

On 22 of January the delegation of the rector of ASMI, Dr.Med.Sc., Madamin Madazimov, vice-rector for academic affairs Dr.Med.Sc., professor Ibrohim Alimzhanov, vice-rector for international relations Kamolidin Salohiddinov, dean of faculty of teacher`s qualification Hatam Tursunov came to OshSU.

In the frame of this visit the delegation met with representatives of rectorate on behalf of the rector Kanybek Isakov, with teaching staff. At this meeting both sides agreed to cooperate in medical sphere, realize academic motilities between students, post-graduate students, joint scientific research of lectures, scientists,traineeships, student festivals, sport events and signed MOU.

Besides this, both sides agreed to realize academic mobility, joint conference at winter semester.

In the frame of this visit the delegation visited Ak-bura campus and saw modern infrastructure of medical clinic, virtual laboratory, international medical faculty, medical faculty, Dental clinic.

The delegation also got acquainted with Kyrgyz-Chinese faculty, electronic system of education, Data-center, scientific library, IT-Academy.

Белгилей кетсек, 1955-жылдан тартып медицина тармагында билим берип келе жаткан Андижан мамлекеттик медициналык институтунда учурда 6 багыт боюнча 3000ден ашуун студент билим алышат.

It is noticed, that Andijan State Medical Institute was founded in 1955 and nowadays more than 3000 students in 6 branches study.

4580 11:12 23-01-2018



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