
Welcome- meeting to the International Medical Faculty, for First-Year Students

Welcome to the International Medical Faculty of Osh State University. Congratulations on the start of your studies. Osh State University (OshSU), the educational flagship in Kyrgyzstan and a classical international university, which is a member of Shanghai Association of Universities. Language of instruction on the faculty is English. There are 2 chairs and more than 60 academicians, including assistant professors and professors, among them - honored workers of Education, Science and Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. You have started your first study day at our faculty. You chose the most responsible profession of a doctor. I hope you have made a conscious choice, so we, your instructors and professors, will do our best for you to obtain quality knowledge at our institution and for you to grow into professionals upon graduation. Please be disciplined, attend all classes and study well. It is also important to take part in the social activities of the faculty and the university and handle facilities of the faculty and the university with care. Please make sure your clothing is neat, doctor robe is always white and clean. Doctor should be well disciplined, intelligent, clean, attentive and tolerant. Be respectful to your professors and senior students, make friends with local students, do not separate within yourselves. Please follow the Kyrgyz legislation, the passport control regime. We will take all efforts to make your adaptation period for Kyrgyz culture go smooth and fast. Your main task for today - is to study, study and study.
4855 20:27 13-10-2015



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