
Teachers took part in the final international conference of the Tempus project “Canerieh”

Teachers took part in the final international conference of the Tempus project “Canerieh” The participants of the project TEMPUS-Central Asian Network for Education, Research and Innovation in Environmental Health-530634-TEMPUS-1-KG-TEMPUS-JPHES “CANERIEH” in OSHSU, took part in final international conference in Bishkek. In course of conference the professor Taichiev I. T. made a report about influence the project for the learning process of the medicine faculty of OshSU. Two doctors made presentation for discussing. From history issues: The project started his realization in OshSU since 15-th of October 2015 year. The project budged for OshSU-82323 EURO. In the frame realization of project realized: From January to May 2013. Conducted intensive courses of English language for 22 collaborators of OshSU with giving certificates of the European sample. Creation the center: “CENTER OF INNOVATION FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN LABORHYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENT”. Since 21-st of April on 10-th May 2013 year, participant of the project – Muratov J. Kalmatov R., Nurmamatov Z had pass seminare course on a state of the public health in Italy, Sweden and Estonia. Purchased 7 computers, 3 notebooks of APPLE, camera, color printer three in one, fax, videocamera, projector and other orgotechnique for total amount 530000 som. All equipments installed in the center of the project and available for collaborators of OshSu. Connected high speed internet and WiFi. In March 2014 y arrived from Italy modern hygiene equipment to determine the condition of the soil, air and water totaling 26313 of Euro. Since 20-th of October till 30-th of October 2013 y there was a trip of rectors, with the participants of rectors OshSU the professor Isakov K.A., European universities for the signing of partnership. Developed the projects website-// From 23 June till 4 July 2014 y had pass summer school for all participants of the projects on the coast of Issyk Kul. In the frame of project 2-two expert entered doctorate of IUK- Nurmamatov Zamir and Orozov Aliskender the partners of the project- International University of Kyrgyzstan co-coordinator of the project, Medicine University o Milan, Tartu university in Estonia, Geterborgsc university of Sangrensc in Sweden, the universities of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.
3915 20:39 28-09-2015



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