Extracurricular work
The main goal of the extracurricular activity of the department is the creation of an integral system of content, forms and methods of education. The system of extracurricular activities is aimed at the formation of professional and personal qualities and abilities of students, at creating conditions for their development, self-realization and self-improvement with a focus on future professional activities. In its work, the department pays special attention to students who do well in various disciplines and participate in republican competitions and olympiads. Supervision plays an important role in extracurricular activities. Student affairs work at the department is not only the fulfillment of the social role of a teacher, but also the socialization of students, assistance in adapting to the student audience, to each other. In the process of this work, the tutors of the 1st year of our department do a great job: they learn as much as possible about their students, the students themselves provide personal data about themselves, choose the group′s asset and help create an atmosphere of goodwill, creat mutual assistance in the group; regularly provide tutorial hours with the group..