Терапиялык дисциплиналар ПЦКсы
С новым Годом! Уважаемые коллеги.

Dear friends, colleagues and students.

          Extremely unsuccessful situation with diseases of breath, heart-vessels system, endocrinology and oncology in Kyrgyzstan.

          Our country is on a last line in international level of health care. It all connects with different factors, which meets in our life. This crying situation in our motherland health care arouses with the reform, finance and level of medical education.

          That is why we must prepare high qualified specialists which after receiving education can use all his knowledges in giving medical help, in making effective treatment and in taking care of our health.

          We are trying to graduate best specialist from our college with best knowledges.

The head of the 

therapeutic disciplines

 the senior teacher Jalalova J. Т.