Практиканын буйруктары
February 14, 2022 at the Department of TOMIiOM was instructed on the organization of professional practice. The briefing was attended by teachers and students of the 4th group of the course MK(b)-1-18 and IK(b)-1-18.

On February 14, an instructing conference on the organization of professional practice was held at the department of TOMIiOM. The instructors of the department and 4th year students of groups MK(b)-1-18 and IK(b)-1-18 took part in the briefing conference.

2022-жылдын 14-февралында МИОТ жана ББМ кафедрасы кесиптик - профилдик практикага инструктаждык конференция уюштурду. Инструктаждык конференцияга 4- курстун МК(б)-2-28, ИК(б)-1-18 тайпаларынын студенттери, кафедранын мүчөлөрү катышышты.

https://base.oshsu.kg/resurs/images/original/JPG-20210226160152-kafmiou.jpg https://base.oshsu.kg/resurs/images/original/JPG-20210226160158-kafmiou.jpg https://base.oshsu.kg/resurs/images/original/JPG-20210226160204-kafmiou.jpg