Incoming information: announcements, orders, tasks, etc.
1.1.Order "On the organization of the educational process"
1.2.Accreditation Order
1.3.Questionnaires for employers (PhD doctoral program at Osh State University)
1.4.Information letter "Professional and linguistic competence of a medical school teacher".
1.5.Academic Consortium "International University of Kyrgyzstan", West Campus Autonomous non-profit organization "Institute of Scientific Communications" Consortium for Sustainable Development and Technological Leadership
1.6.Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic On Approval of Acts of Independent Accreditation in the Education System of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2015 December 29, No. 670
1.7.Action Plan of the Strategic Plan "Sustainable Development Model of Osh State University for 2023-2026
1.8.Program of the scientific and methodological seminar Zh. Zhakshylykova
1.9. Information letter "Educational and methodological aspects of teaching anatomy,histology and clinical morphology of the human reproductive system human reproductive system"
1.10.Information letter "Modern aspects of morphology, pathomorphology and oncopathology in the human body".
1.11.Schedule of the course "Formative and Summative Assessment in Higher Education"
1.12. Program of the working visit of the head of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, A.U. Japarov, to Osh oblast
1.13."Student-centered learning," a toolkit for university students and faculty
1.14."The Role of Learning Outcomes in Ensuring the Quality of Education" EDNET(in Russian)
1.15.Information letter (K.I. Skryabin KNAU)
1.16.Regulation on Osh State University Business Park
1.17.Standards for Institutional Accreditation of Higher Professional Education (KYRGYZ REPUBLIC)
1.18."The Role of Learning Outcomes in Quality Education" EDNET (in Kyrgyz)
1.19.Regulation "OshSU time standards".
1.20.TOEFL preparation course

1.21.Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
1.22. About the International Youth Olympics 2023 in Bishkek
1.23.Invitation to the Republican Student Scientific and Practical Conference (K.I. Skryabin KNAU)
1.24.Round table on sharing the best practices of Distance education


International Scientific and Practical Student ConferenceInternational Scientific and Practical Student Conference

1.26.Memo on the organization of teaching, educational and methodological processes and research work at IMF
1.27.I International Olympiad for medical students, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of I.K.Akhunbaev′s birth
1.28.Information letter (K.K. Karasaev Bishkek State University, Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in the Kyrgyz Republic Kuban State University)
1.29.Best Researcher 2023
1.30.The Askar Salymbekov Foundation announces the resumption of the Akyl Tirek World Contest of Kyrgyzstani People
International scientlfIc and practIcal conference "Innovations in the field of medical science and education" dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the International Higher School of Medicine"

1.32.Startup Students-position

1.33.1_№6 Making additions to the bulletin
1.34."Innovations in the field of medical science and education"
1.35.Intellectual triathlon (logistics, rules, expected result)
1.36.International Scientific and Practical Conference
1.37.Regulation 2 to the information letter about the student conference
1.38.International scientific and practical conference "Fundamental and applied problems of morphology" dedicated to the founders of the Tyumen School of Morphologists and the 60th anniversary of the Tyumen State Medical University
1.39.Conference "Innovations in Medical Science and Education" dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the International Higher Medical School
1.40."Innovations in the field of medical science and education"
1.41.Intellectual Triathlon
1.42."Student and scientific and technological progress"
1.43.International scientific and practical conference "Fundamental and applied problems of morphology" dedicated to the founders of the Tyumen School of Morphologists and the 60th anniversary of the Tyumen State Medical University
1.44.Webinars 2023
1.45.Osh Shams
1.46 OshSU INFORMATION LETTER on the SCOPUS Conference
1.47Ak-Buura Campus Visit Program
1.48"Clinical and morphological aspects of fundamental and applied medical research"
1.49 II Open Student Pirogov Forum
1.50"Kaimu is the key to science", "Actual problems of modern science, education and health care"
1.51Сonference: "Simulation training in medicine: problems, solutions, prospects"