Service, goals and tasks of the department

Strategic directions of the department:

Study method direction:

Use of innovative educational programs and new technologies in educational work; creation of monitoring of educational services and the labor market; organization of cultural education and educational events; active work for education in basic and additional educational programs at the department at the invitation of foreign students and specialists; corporate education Organization of transmission centers.

Scientific direction:

"Actual problems of applied mathematics and computer science".

This work is dedicated to the study of theoretical, methodological issues and actual problems of teaching applied mathematics and computer science. To solve these problems, summarize the results of using optimal, modern methods of teaching on a scientific basis and present them to production, develop textbooks, manuals, manuals, and dictionaries.

The following will be studied:

a) Mathematical models of production problems;
b) Research of modern mathematical models;
c) Creation of computer models of mathematical models.

Market orientation:

The department strives to raise the level of quality in the implementation of basic and additional educational programs, which allows it to take the first place in the market of educational services. For this, activities aimed at maintaining and creating competitive advantages of the department and the university are actively carried out.

Marketing direction:

Considers an active policy in the market of educational services to attract students to the programs implemented by the department. To achieve this, the department implements updating of new technical computer equipment, introduction of the latest educational technologies, constant improvement of the qualifications of employees, and active advertising in the regions. This allows to increase the quality of training of personnel for bachelors, masters and postgraduates and to maintain the composition of students in the face of increasing competition among universities.

Financial direction:

The financial goal of the department is to search for extra-budgetary sources of funding: providing paid education and consulting services; performing contractual work on the orders of large business enterprises; participating in grant competitions for education and science development, etc. participation in programs.

Information / image direction:


strengthening the positive image in the regional and entire Kyrgyz Republic in its short historical period; maintaining the high professional status of KMI and Graphic Design specialties. The department′s information strategy includes the following: publishing textbooks, manuals and monographs prepared by the department′s staff; actively publishing the department′s articles in peer-reviewed and central scientific journals; expanding the amount of information on all segments of the department′s work on the Internet site; spreading the influence of the department through its graduates.