

There are three methods of quality determination:
uSWOT analysis method of evaluating the quality of higher education management;
uA concept based on the principles of total quality management (TQM or TQM);
uAn approach based on the requirements of the international ISO 9000: 2000 quality standards.
1. The method of quality assessment based on SWOT analysis includes self-assessment of the educational institution to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the university′s work, as well as the positive and negative factors of its development; 2. The concept of TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM-TQM) aims at the precise mission and strategic goals of the university developed as a result of a comprehensive study of society′s needs as the main indicator of the university′s activity.
Types of standards
u 1. International standards (ISO, International Energy Commission standards, optical standards);
u 2. International standards (EU, CIS, Asian Union, etc.); u 3. National (state) standards; u 4. Industry standards; u 5. Enterprise standards.
History, purpose of IEC, ISO
u 1. According to the resolution of the International Electrotechnical Congress of September 1904, on June 26-27, 1906, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC- International Electrotechnical Commission) was established in London on the initiative of representatives of 13 countries.
u On October 24, 1946, representatives of 25 countries
approved the charter and working procedures of ISO (International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISOS means equal in Greek. u Today
, 118 countries are members of ISO.
also joined the ISO with an autonomous right.
u The main objectives of the ISO: To ensure international trade and mutual assistance,
to expand cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activities ISO members
Site ISO WWW.ISO.ORG. (International Standards Organization)
• ISO 9000:2001. Quality management system. Basic provisions and vocabulary
• ISO 9001:2000. Quality management system. Requirements

• ISO 9002:2016. Quality system. Model of quality assurance during production, assembly and maintenance
• ISO 9003. Quality system. Model quality assurance during final control and testing
• ISO 9004:2000. Quality management system. Recommendations for improvement of activity
• ISO 10007:2003. Quality management system. Guidelines for configuration management
• ISO 10012:2003. System management dimension. The requirement for the myristic process of myristic discovery in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9000, QUALITY SYSTEM consists of the following three subsystems:
1. Quality management;
2. Quality assurance;
3. Proof of quality.
ISO 9000-9004
u Developers of ISO 9000 Standards stated that these standards are divided into the following 4 products:
u 1) equipment or technical means (material products consisting of various parts and having a characteristic shape);
u 2) software (computer program, concept, protocol, etc.),
u 3) processed materials (material products obtained by processing raw materials in a certain state: liquids, gases, bedding materials), u
4) services ( personnel training, medical, banking, transport, maintenance, etc.). QUALITY
u QUALITY of learning process and services in a university is determined by their ability to satisfy customers and their expected and unintended impact on stakeholders.
u The quality management system (QMS) includes activities that determine the processes and resources required to obtain the goals and desired results set (defined) by the university, and allows the management of the university to optimize the use of resources in accordance with strategic plans.
u The main principles of ISO 9000 (adapted to universities):
-Adaptation to the requirements of the consumer (applicant);
- Hiring employees (teachers, specialists) based on their competence;
- Systematic approach to university management;
-Continuous improvement of the educational process, the state of conducting scientific work, the material and technical base, etc. at the university;
- Communicating with employers.
Main indicators of quality:
1. Multi-functionality;
2. Reliability;
3. Efficiency;
4. Practicality
5. Safety
u Methods of determining quality indicators :
u 1. Mathematical calculation, creation of models;
u 2. Experimental measurement, measurement method;
u Method of registration;
u Organoleptic (detection of quality through eyes, ears, nose, etc. organs);
u By creating expert groups; u Through sociological investigation.
1. ISO 9001:2001.
0.1. General Provisions.
u A strategic decision is required to ensure a QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE EDUCATION.
u The development of the QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in the educational institution and its introduction into the educational process are influenced by:
needs, specific goals, graduates, introduction of scientific results into production (innovation), used processes, size and structure of the educational institution, etc.
u 4.1. Requirements for an educational institution.
u Educational system:
a) Determination of educational program formation processes, organization of study process, organization and conduct of certification of graduates, provision of educational services and management of these processes;
b) determining its conditions in the implementation of the educational process;
c) regular maintenance of these processes and provision of necessary resources. Determining the exact area of ​​application of educational quality management system: For example, department, faculty, school production lines, etc. u Education management is carried out in the following processes: - analysis of the admission of applicants to the educational institution (vocational direction); - adaptation of the curriculum to the requirements of employers; - organization and implementation of the educational process; - organization and conduct of assessment and certification of students′ knowledge; - Increasing the educational potential of the university; - ensuring the functioning of libraries, centers and academic laboratories. 4.2. Document requirements: 4.2. 1 General Provisions u Development of requirements not specified in ISO 9001 standard in the planning of the QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and methodological guidelines for quality reduction in the educational institution: - Determination of the general strategy of the university; - Development of normative and legal acts used in universities; - ensuring the competence of teaching staff; - accredited and certified educational programs, curricula; - Training and retraining of teaching staff and auxiliary staff, development of qualification improvement programs; - University auxiliary services. 4.2.2 Requirements for documents in an educational enterprise u 1. Management of documents in an educational institution u The main goal of document management is to ensure constant updating and availability of documents of the educational institution; u To achieve this goal, it is required to perform the following: - Analysis and support of changes in internal documents; - management of external documents based on the actualization of normative and legal acts; - Ensuring the availability of documents to the employees of the educational institution; - management of official documents of students to ensure the search for educational services; - to manage the official documents of students to ensure the search for educational services and verify the fulfillment of requirements at the specified educational levels. 4.2.3. Keeping educational records u Records (protocols, decisions) provide information about the current activities of the university, for example, about the results obtained at each stage of the educational process; u An educational institution usually must pay attention to the preservation and management of records prescribed by legal and/or regulatory requirements; u The educational institution must conduct study procedures and student records in a prescribed manner. u Those documents: - a report on the development and implementation of educational process documents (for example, on the preparation of the curriculum); - records-documents on improving the qualifications of teachers (certificates and other documents certifying qualifications); - records of evaluation of the results of the educational process (for example, evaluation of the quality of teaching); - the results of the student′s work papers and studies; - document on graduation from university (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.); records of student loss, damage, or misuse of equipment; - applications; - Documents about participation in research works; - Information on production practice; - Notes on copyright (information)/or notes on the right to use it. 5. Responsibility of the university leadership u 5.1 Duties of the university leadership. It is necessary for the management of the university to use the following strategy: u to develop a policy (measures) to improve the quality of the educational institution; u exchange of information about the planning of the quality management system throughout the university; u Exchange information related to reviewing and refining the quality management system plan. The efforts of the management of the university to create such an environment will be as follows: - all employees of the educational institution will be informed of the university′s vision in the field of quality, Creating and communicating to employees a quality policy that allows them to understand their mission and strategic goals; - To implement the quality policy of the educational institution, to establish the ways to implement the goals in the field of quality in current educational activities; - maximum provision of human and material resources necessary to achieve the set goals; - To bring to the attention of all employees and teachers of the university the importance of meeting the requirements of students, as well as fulfilling the legal and mandatory requirements in the provision of sufficient quality educational services; - publishing periodicals of the educational institution to inform about quality issues (for example, quality goals) and to provide feedback to students; - evaluation of the work of the educational institution on the control of the implementation of the goals of the established quality policy. 5.2. Adapting to the demands of the consumer (applicant, employer) in the university. u The management of the university should identify the needs and expectations of the students, fulfill them and try to satisfy them fully. u For this, the management of the university:
u - clarification of needs and expectations of consumers, especially potential consumers; u - Identification of key competences of graduates aimed at employers; u - Determination and assessment of the competitive environment in the labor market;
u - identification of opportunities, weaknesses and future competitive advantages of the labor market;
u Examples of needs and expectations of consumers and end users: u - compliance with requirements;
u - reliability;
u - presence of required specialists;
u - activities of the graduate after the "life cycle";
u - University′s responsibility to graduates;
u Taking into account the requirements of employers (students) means the following: u Taking into account the requirements in the preparation of the training program and in establishing accurate indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of training;
u Drafts of training programs are analyzed and approved at the preliminary stage of the educational process, analyzed and updated at least once a year, and their compliance with the established requirements and goals of the educational institution are monitored.
. 5.3. Quality policy in the university
u Quality policy should be documented.
u The quality policy should be consistent with professional standards, laws and regulations and the main policy of the educational institution.
u The management of the university ensures the policy in the direction of quality:
u a) that it coincides with the goals of the university;
u b) to include obligations to meet the requirements and constantly increase the efficiency of the quality management system;
u c) having a basis for setting and analyzing quality goals;
u d) the content of the QUALITY policy is conveyed to the employees of the university and their understanding; u e) It is necessary to periodically analyze the conformity of the quality system to the requirements of the period. Recommendations for improving work efficiency
u6.2 Employees
u6.2.1 Employee involvement
uIn order to increase the effectiveness of the activity of the university, the following should be taken into account in the participation and development of teachers and employees in the activity process:
- their permanent training and career planning;
- determination of responsibility and authorized personnel;
- determining the responsibility and authority of personnel, -
establishing the participation of employees in setting goals and making decisions; - evaluation and awarding with prizes;
- provision of open, two-way information exchange;
-Always analyze the needs of university employees;
- creation of an environment that encourages innovation;
- ensuring effective group work;
- providing information about suggestions and opinions;
- ensuring employee satisfaction
; - Analysis of the reasons for the arrival of employees to the university and the reasons for leaving.
6.2.1 General Provisions
The university should plan a personnel management system to support the learning process and improve the competence of key and supporting personnel. The level of competence of an educational institution is determined, for example, by:
- ​​improvement of educational programs in accordance with scientific and technical changes;
- assessment of students′ achievements and educational institution′s performance based on the implementation of educational goals;
- increasing the competence of the personnel necessary to perform their functional duties (for example, teaching staff).
Requirements must believe that the management teachers have the qualifications of the ISO9001:2000 system.
Qualification can be determined by the quality of scientific degrees, work experience, certificates and training 6.2 Human certificates, resource of industrial internship. 2.26 Education. 2.1 Competence, awareness and training in the public transport institution. The management system is based on the training of personnel and the competence of supporting personnel, personnel, training, the duties of the executive, the work, the quality rights of the employees, the product, the academic performance and the administrative competence on the basis of the relevant education, training, skills and experience.
Consumers in the educational institution to meet the requirements of the students in relation to the learning process or vice versa
6. Should provide information on how it relates to university awareness and actions.
The educational institution is obliged to:
- carry out systematic measures to determine the need for the competence of employees by comparing the requirements of the curriculum with the current competence of employees; - to determine the need for personnel training or other measures aimed at eliminating the lack of competence;
- Ensuring the work of teachers when there are new evaluation criteria; - keeping records of academic and administrative competence of personnel. 6.2. Human resource in the higher education institution 
6.3 Infrastructure of the higher education institution
u The educational institution must determine the necessary infrastructure and equipment to meet the specified requirements.
u The educational institution should define programs for planning, providing and maintaining the necessary infrastructure, as well as a safety and hygiene risk analysis program. u The infrastructure includes the following: a) buildings, workplaces:
classrooms, laboratories, workshops, libraries, green recreation areas;
b) additional services, for example:
u - water supply,
u - electricity supply,
u - gas, heat supply, u - medical services;
u c) tools necessary for the educational process;
u d) transport, bookstore, cafeteria, kitchen and kindergarten.
6.4 Productive environment
u Management should positively influence the motivation, satisfaction and efficiency of the work environment to improve the performance of the university.
u When creating a working environment that combines human and physical factors, attention should be paid to: u - Creative work methods and opportunities for full-fledged involvement in order to realize the potential of university employees;
u - safety rules and methodological guidelines, including the use of protective equipment; u - ergonomics;
u - placement of jobs;
u Cooperation of employees with each other; u - tools for providing employees at universities; u - temperature, humidity, lighting, air pumping system;
u - sanitary conditions: cleanliness, noise, vibration cleanliness, noise, vibration (vibration) and contamination. 7. Processes of the life cycle of educational services
u 7.1 Planning of the life cycle process in the university
u The following processes of providing educational services in the educational institution can be determined: 1) improving the qualifications of teachers;
2) design and research works;
3) educational process and curriculum development
; 4) determine other activities;
5) recruitment of personnel;
6) purchase of materials and other resources;
7) admission of candidates (students);
8) management of changes in the preparation and editing of curricula, course schedules, lesson schedules and entrance exams;
9) obtaining accreditation of an educational institution providing professional qualifications (for example, obtaining a diploma of education), organizing additional education after higher education (for example, postgraduate studies);
10) provision of library services, audio, video equipment, computer technologies and other services;
11) services for security, protection and protection of citizens; 12) distribution of classroom fund, laboratories, workshops, classrooms, acts;
13) distribution of classroom fund, laboratories, workshops, classrooms, actuaries; 14) technical maintenance of equipment.
7.5. Production and service.
u 7.5.1. Management of production and service in an educational institution.
u The educational institution must ensure the management of the processes. For this, the educational institution should determine the processes included in the educational process, for example:
- selection and admission of students;
- creation of educational programs on various subjects;
- developing a list of courses;
- distribution of study load;
- providing students with educational tools for working in laboratories and workshops;
- distribution of necessary resources for training in places outside the territory of the educational institution;
- development of study materials for the course;
- establishment of methods of checking learning efficiency;
- classes, laboratories, workshops, libraries, etc. distribution; - training and consulting in professional areas.
u If the terms of the contract require support for students after completion of the training program, the educational institution must determine how such support will be provided and how it will be monitored.
Educational institutions should create a database to determine the current training system, which may include:
- students′ course records (reports);
- course program;
- list of groups of students;
- textbooks and other publications;
- list of teachers;
- educational materials;
- required knowledge or experience.
u 7.5.2. Confirmation of production and service processes in the educational institution.
u - confirmation (validation) of educational processes should include:
u - development and development
(creation) of educational plans or programs;
u - equipment and qualifications of teachers;
u - documents certifying success (for example, grades) and exam sheets;
u - database records. etc.
Many thanks!

510400-State standard of the specialty "Physics" (Academic degree-Master).

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