
В 22.12.2020 г провели онлайн-олимпиаду по новому предмету: Pathophysiological basis of functional diagnostic methods.


В 22.12.2020 г провели онлайн-олимпиаду по новому предмету:
Pathophysiological basis of functional diagnostic methods.

Вопросы были из 4 х ниже перечисленных тем:

1. Mastering the methodology and technique of ECG recording on volunteer students. Study of the elements of a normal ECG. Mastering the techniques and decoding of the ECG. Methods for determining the electrical axis of the heart.
2. Mastering ECG signs of violations of the function of automatism (analysis of electrocardiograms on the topic of the lesson). Mastering ECG diagnostics of conduction dysfunctions (heart block) at various levels - analysis of thematic electrocardiograms.
3. Mastering ECG signs in cardiac hypertrophy (atrial hypertrophy and ventricular hypertrophy). analysis of thematic electrocardiograms.
4. Dysfunction of excitability. Analysis of electrocardiograms with extrasystoles, paroxysmal tachycardia.

Участников было 5 .
А победителей 3 .

1-место вручили :
Студенту 3-го курса из группы 7b Priyanka Pralhad Thorat

2 - место занял студент 3 го курса из группы 4b Shivangi Gupta

3-место заняла Clemiya Paul
А победителям вручили сертификаты

On 22.12.2020 We Department:" Pathology, basic and clinical pharmacology" organized an olympiad in new subject , named Pathophysiological basis of functional diagnosticmethods. It consisted of four themes as shown below:
1. Mastering the methodology and technique of ECG recording on volunteer students. Study of the elements of a normal ECG. Mastering the techniques and decoding of the ECG. Methods for determining the electrical axis of the heart.
2. Mastering ECG signs of violations of the function of automatism (analysis of electrocardiograms on the topic of the lesson). Mastering ECG diagnostics of conduction dysfunctions (heart block) at various levels - analysis of thematic electrocardiograms.
3. Mastering ECG signs in cardiac hypertrophy (atrial hypertrophy and ventricular hypertrophy). analysis of thematic electrocardiograms.
4. Dysfunction of excitability. Analysis of electrocardiograms with extrasystoles, paroxysmal tachycardia.
5 students participated in this competition. We used the cardiograms for question & answer process.
And here is the list of winners:
1 place: Priyanka Pralhad, 3-year student from group 7b
2 place: Sh Gupta from group 7b
3 place: Cl Paul from group 4b
The winners were given certificates
646 18:27 25-12-2020



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