
Олимпиада по Базисной фармакологии// Olympiad in Basic Pharmacology

Кафедра патология, базисной и клинической фармакологии по дисциплине базисная фармакология был проведен олимпиада среди студентов 3курса.
Общие положения
Организаторами олимпиады являются преподаватели по предмету базисной фармакологии: аспирант кафедры ПБиКФ:, Сеитова Азиза., Абдиева Бегимай., Мурзаева Мария., Орозбеков Турсунбек.
Участниками которого были студенты 3курса с11 по 20группы.
Олимпиаду провели онлайн с применением дистанционных техналогий. Олимпиада включала в себя два тура.
I-тур тестирования(30 вопросов с 4 вариантами ответа по следующим темам: Drugs affecting on Respiratory system., Drugs affecting on G.I.T.., Antihypertensive drugs., Drugs for CHF., Antianginal drugs., Diuretics., Antiarrhythmic drugs.
На II-тур прошли студенты набравшие более 25баллов.
Положения II-тура: билеты включали себя 3 вопроса
1. Classification of drugs:
2. Mechanism of action of drugs:
3. Determine the drug by reading the mechanism of action of the drugs:

The Department of Pathology, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology in the discipline basic pharmacology held an Olympiad among the students of the 3rd course.
General Provisions
The organizers of the Olympiad are teachers on the subject of basic
The Department of Pathology, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology in the discipline basic pharmacology held an Olympiad among the students of the 3rd course.
General Provisions
The organizers of the Olympiad are teachers on the subject of basic pharmacology: postgraduate student of the Department of PBiKF :, Seitova Aziza., Abdieva Begimai., Murzaeva Maria., Orozbekov Tursunbek.
The participants of which were students of the 3rd course from 11 to 20 groups.
The Olympiad was held online with the use of remote technologies. The Olympics included two rounds.
I-round of testing (30 questions with 4 answer options on the following topics: Drugs affecting on Respiratory system., Drugs affecting on G.I.T .., Antihypertensive drugs., Drugs for CHF., Antianginal drugs., Diuretics., Antiarrhythmic drugs.
Students who scored more than 25 points passed to the II round.
Round II provisions: tickets included 3 questions
1. Classification of drugs:
2. Mechanism of action of drugs:
3. Determine the drug by reading the mechanism of action of the drugs:

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