The aims, duties and works of the chair


The Department of Informatics is considered a department that graduates students in the specialties "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" and "Applied Informatics (in Economics)". The department carries out its activities in the following areas:
• Training of highly qualified specialists in the specialties "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Applied Informatics (in Economics)";
• development of curricula for the disciplines of the department in the appropriate order, proposal for approval, preparation of conclusions on educational programs prepared by other departments;
• Conducting lectures, practical, laboratory and other types of classes in the disciplines of the department, provided for by the curricula in the specialties "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Applied Informatics (in the field of economics)";
• Conducting lectures, laboratory, practical and other types of classes at a high scientific and methodological level using new teaching technologies;
• The use of new, modern, innovative learning technologies, interactive methods in the educational process;
• Organization of the activities of the department at a high level;
• Effective use of network computer technologies;
• Timely equipping of computer laboratories with modern new software.;
• Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the disciplines taught at the department;
• Formation of modern, flexible to new conditions of the labor market, intelligent specialists who are able to navigate the global information space, able to use new information technologies in their activities in the areas of "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Applied Informatics (in the field of economics)" specialties;
• Organization of classes in close connection with practice;
• Management of independent work of students, production work and practices, as well as term papers and diploma papers;
• High-quality organization and conduct of educational and computational, production, qualification, pre-diploma practices;
• Publication of teaching aids for teachers and students;
• Preparation of an electronic version of materials for lectures, practical, laboratory classes, electronic textbooks, manuals, as well as electronic educational programs and distribution for use by students;
• Improving the scientific and methodological work of the department;
• Conducting scientific research of teachers and students;

• Implementation of the results of scientific work of teachers and students, providing recommendations and suggestions for the publication of completed scientific works;
• Improving the qualifications of teachers of the department;
• Generalization and dissemination of the experience of the best teachers;
• Organization of systematic communication with graduates and graduate students;
• Carrying out various events in order to organize the educational activities of students.