Положения о Центре Карьеры

       Career Center ( CC ) was opened in Osh State University in December 2006 by the Academic Council of the university.Effective implementation of the project of Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia and Association «EdNet» had a powerful facilitate to its creation.
CC provides the following services for students, graduates and employers as training workshops on resume writing , cover letters ,passing interview including role-playing games , workshops and career days , job fairs and other events.
       In autumn 2011, Career Center was transferred into the Department of Education quality of OshSU . CC works closely with the National Career Support Center coordinating the activities of Career centers across the country, and actively participates in various seminars, trainings and competitions organized by the Association «EdNet» and Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia, disseminates this information among students and graduates of the Osh State University .