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About the Department
About the department The department is a basic graduate department in the profile "Finance and Credit" of the Faculty of Business and Management of Osh State University, carrying out all types of educational, methodological, scientific and educational work with students and postgraduates. The main tasks of the department are: - preparation of bachelors and certified specialists in the field of economics in the direction 580100 "Economics" profiles "Finance and credit"; - creating conditions for the formation of the main components of competence among students, including IT competence, ensuring the success of the future professional activity of graduates; - organization and conduct of the educational process, educational, methodological, research and educational work; - training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through master′s degree, postgraduate studies and job-seeking; - organization and conduct of fundamental and relevant applied scientific research in the field of finance, investment, insurance and banking. Currently, the department pursues an active policy in ensuring the quality of training of specialists, allowing the future graduate to be in demand in the modern labor market. Thus, the percentage of employment of graduates of the department in the banking sector is at least 60-65% annually. The work on improving the quality of training of specialists is carried out in the following areas: Firstly, the department has extensive ties with commercial banks, for which young graduates are being trained, strong business ties have been established with the Banking Institute of Osh, Osh and Batken regions, including branches of foreign and mixed banks. The staff of banking organizations operating in the city of Osh and the Osh region is largely staffed by graduates of the department. The close connection of the department with banking practices, as well as the quality of training of specialists, is also evidenced by the fact that a number of the largest banks in Osh on the basis of partnerships conduct: firstly, joint practical activities aimed at improving the level of competence in the field of banking; secondly, hold competitions for the best research work in the form of scientific articles, writing essays, etc. in order to create a personnel reserve and practice. In addition, for the training of specialists in the field of banking, the department attracts executives and specialists of "KIKB", "RSK-Bank", representative office of the NBKR of Osh region, "Halyk Bank", "Finanscreditbank", JSCB "Kyrgyzstan", "Optima Bank", Bank "Bai Tushum", "Demir Bank", "EcoIslamikBank", "Aiyl Bank", EBRD advisory centers and other banks. Meetings with stakeholders (employers) are held with 90% participation of representatives of the banking sector, who express interest in discussing internship programs and curriculum with their active participation and a package of proposals. The quality of training and the demand for graduates of the department is evidenced by the positive reviews of commercial banks in which graduates work, their rapid career growth. In connection with the Strategy of Osh State University aimed at the implementation of activities on the course "Innovation, investment and integration", the adoption of the State Program "Taza koom", the Concept of regional development and modern requirements, the department continues to actively work in the training of professional personnel in the field of financial and credit system and banking to meet the needs of regional and national economy. The main tasks of the department: - meeting the needs of society for qualified (Economics programs), specialists, bachelors in Finance and Credit with the necessary set of competencies, and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel; -implementation of educational, research, methodological, educational activities of students and scientific and pedagogical workers, the use of the results obtained in the educational process and in practice