
The Mission of Osh State University:

  • To provide the quality assurance based on competence approach in modern educational process: integration into the world-howling space of education, science and culture: formation of moral, cultural and scientific values of young people;
  • Training of highly qualified specialists, able to demonstrate their intellectual potential in science, business and professional active-ties to ensure economic, social and political development of the country;
  • Be one of top five best universities in Central Asia.

    Osh State University actively participates in the life of the society by ensuring the continuity of intellectuals, by providing education of high quality and by carrying out thorough researches. OshSU is continuously improving the technological infrastructure trying to preserve and promote positive elements of culture and traditions, as well as develop other creative and innovative approaches in the field of education at the national level.

* Resolution of the Osh State University Academic Council dated August 29, 2015, protocol №1.

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