Жалпы медициналык дисциплиналар ПЦКсы
Dear friends, colleagues and students!

The uniqueness of our college lies in a creative team that actively implements information and innovative technologies, takes part in improving the country′s secondary medical education, developing a strategy for secondary vocational medical education, developing state educational standards, programs and standards for additional professional education, which is facilitated by the current favorable environment for partnership interaction of all participants in the educational process.
Quite rightly, the result of any human activity is evaluated by the product produced by him. The product of the activities of the entire team of our department, as we see our specialist, is easy to understand if we turn to the mission of the department. Simply put, we see the product of our activity as we would like to deal with if necessary, if we, our loved ones and those far away need medical assistance. We want to be sure that our specialist will be a specialist of the highest level of professional culture.
The process of training any medical worker is very time-consuming, as is the range of his activities. In order to achieve the best results, it is necessary to systematically approach the issues of training, carry out a phased control of the correctness of the planned and timely correct the trajectory of specialist training, that is, manage the process.
To implement the intended results, our team of like-minded people is needed - TEACHERS who are able to work miracles, creating a modern specialist in three or four academic years. The main support in their hard work is scientific and methodological work, the main goal of which is to achieve the optimal quality of education, upbringing and personal development of future specialists.
      1.continuous professional growth of each teacher, his creative development,
      2. actualization of the richest traditions,
      3. Implementation of the accumulated experience in managing the process of training specialists.