News Архив


Faculty of World Languages and Cultures

International Relations and Academic Mobility

information for the 2021-2022-2023 academic year

The Faculty of World Languages and Cultures is closely connected with many foreign universities and organizations. Today, the faculty independently sets several goals for itself.

- Activation of interuniversity integration, mobility and internal academic exchange in the global educational space in the era of globalization, as well as involving students in a new learning environment and involving them in communication with the public, while increasing competition for the subject;

- Development of the exchange of pedagogical experience between universities, organization of guest lectures, open lessons of famous scientists and professors, associate professors and ensuring their internships;

- creation of conditions for joint research work of the teaching staff, organization of scientific and practical conferences;

Students of the faculty also actively participate in international programs. Within the framework of academic mobility programs, Spain (Cadiz University 1 student), Turkey (Bolu, Chukurova, Edirne, Jumhuriyet, etc.) (26 students), Russia (Orenburg University, Chuvash University 2 students), Kazakhstan (Eurasian National University named afterGumilyov 25 students), Uzbekistan (M. Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Ferghana State University, Kiev State University (25 students), who study annually for 1 semester and 1 month.

In the reporting academic year, work on a double diploma was also accepted, a double diploma program was signed in the direction of linguistics of our faculty in the specialty Translation of the Philological Faculty of the Gumilev Eurasian National University of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a curriculum was developed, currently 13 students from the 1st year of a new linguistic direction were selected, documents were transferred to Gumilev University and training begins.

These students receive two university diplomas after studying for 2 years at our faculty, 2 years at the Faculty of Philology of Gumilyov National University.

Also, within the framework of the Osh Declaration, teachers and students with academic mobility visit universities in Kyrgyzstan and exchange experience. Currently, 1 student of the American University of Central Asia, 6 students of the Kyrgyz-Turkish University of Manas,

I. 4 students study at the Arabayev State University.

The number of foreign professors and language specialists attending the faculty is also small. For example, specialists invited under the Fulbright program provide assistance to faculty members and undergraduates by organizing training seminars and consultations. In the current new academic year, English language specialist Tim Vaul (USA), invited under the Fulbright program, cooperates and regularly conducts seminars to improve the skills of teachers.

Currently, in the 2022-2023 academic year, Sejong Sok Kyung Oh, a professor at the South Korean Sejong Institute, and Kang Jen, a Korean language specialist, are teaching Korean, and our students studying Korean have opportunities to study academic mobility in South Korea.

Coordinator Umarov H.