
Presentaion of Tb and role of MSF

On the 9th of March MSF team from Kara Suu DRTB project based in Osh met with the 4th year students of International Medical Faculty of Osh State University

3 presentations were shared with the students:

Caroline SALADIN, MSF Field coordinator of Kara Suu DRTB project presented MSF organisation, MSF history in Kyrgyzstan and the DRTB project in Kara Suu.

Doctor Omer HAMMAN, MSF Medical project responsible, presented the epidemiological situation of TB worldwide and the last data available on world epidemiology produced by WHO.

Third presentation was given by Doctor Stalbek AYLCHIEV on treatments available and Infection risk factors.

The presentation was attended by about 200 students that had also opportunity to exchange with MSF team about the TB and MSF activities in general. The session was closed by a short movie on MSF history since it was created in 1971.

4239 16:47 24-03-2017



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